

Exploration and Innovation of College English Teaching



Whitten by

Peng Qian




[email protected]








With the rapid development of economic globalization, China's connections with countries around the world have become increasingly close. As a globally recognized language, English also plays an irreplaceable role on the world stage. It plays an important role in promoting the comprehensive development of countries around the world and bringing them closer together. China urgently needs various high-quality English talents, which poses even more severe challenges to English teaching in China. It is undeniable that since the reform and opening up, China's English teaching has achieved tremendous results. However, in order to adapt to the constantly developing and changing society, the reform and innovation of English teaching are also urgent.

At present, China English still has many problems that need to be discussed and solved urgently, such as the single teaching mode and method, the deep-rooted concept of test-oriented education, the backward teaching concept of teachers, the weak autonomy of students' learning, the neglect of cultural education and emotional education, and the backward teaching conditions. These issues have prompted us to actively explore the path of practical English teaching, in order to keep up with the pace of the times, improve the level of English teaching, and cultivate English talents suitable for the needs of the country and society in the new era.

This book is a theoretical work dedicated to studying innovation in English teaching in universities. It elaborates on the connotation of English teaching, the influencing factors of current English teaching, and analyzes the goals and principles of English teaching; A detailed study is conducted on the theories and specific strategies of English teaching innovation from the perspectives of cross-cultural communication, information technology, ecological teaching, task-based teaching, and interactive teaching; We have conducted in-depth research on the theory and practice of professional development for English teachers, which is an important guarantee for innovation in English teaching.




Copyright©2023 OAJRC LTD.

  • 书籍目录
  • 书籍信息
  • 作者信息
  • ISBN号查询页面
    第一章 英语教学概述
    第一节 英语教学的内涵解读
    第二节 大学英语教学基础理论
    第三节 大学英语教学的主要内容
    第二章 大学英语教学模式的构建与创新
    第一节 多维度视角下的大学英语教学模式
    第二节 大学英语教学模式改革的策略
    第三节 大学英语教学模式改革
    第四节 课程建构与大学英语教学模式研究
    第五节 大学英语教学模式的创新
    第三章 基于跨文化交际的大学英语教学创新
    第一节 跨文化交际概述
    第二节 大学英语跨文化交际教学中存在的问题
    第三节 跨文化交际视角下的大学英语技能教学创新
    第四节 跨文化交际视角下的英语教学模式创新
    第四章 基于信息技术的大学英语教学创新
    第一节 信息技术以及与课程教学的融合
    第二节 基于慕课的大学英语教学创新
    第三节 翻转课堂视角下的英语教学创新
    第四节 英语教学创新中混合式教学的引入
    第五章 基于生态教学的大学英语教学创新
    第一节 大学英语生态教学的内涵与特征
    第二节 大学英语课堂的平衡观与失衡现象分析
    第三节 大学英语教学环境生态化研究
    第四节 大学英语生态教学模式构建策略
    第六章 基于任务型教学的大学英语教学创新
    第一节 任务型教学模式的含义及特点
    第二节 任务型教学模式在大学英语教学中的实施
    第三节 大学英语任务型教学评价
    第七章 基于互动式教学的大学英语教学创新
    第一节 互动式教学概述
    第二节 影响大学英语互动式教学的实施的因素
    第三节 互动式教学在大学英语教学中的评价
    第八章 大学英语教学模式探析
    第一节 大学英语教学模式的内涵
    第二节 大学英语网络教学模式
    第九章 基于微课SPOC的大学英语教学模式
    第一节 微课教学模式
    第二节 微课下的教师教学模式与学生学习策略
    第三节 微课在大学英语教学中实践的必要性
    第四节 SPOC与翻转课堂结合的高校英语课堂教学